It is essential for the normal operation of the heart and brain, the immune-, nervous-, and cardiovascular systems, kidneys and muscles. As calcium is responsible for the contraction of the muscles, magnesium is responsible for the relaxation of it. Hereby it is essential for the normal operation of the muscles in heart, vessels and other internal body organs. It is a key factor to avoid convulsive states. It is also important in the energy production processes in the body as ATP (building block of cell energy production) exerts its effects binding with magnesium. It supports the utilization of vitamin D3 in the body.
vitamin e
It is one of the strongest antioxidants. Antioxidants protect against oxidative stress and harmful free radicals. It protects cell walls and inhibits the formation of blood clots hereby protects the health of the heart and cardiovascular system.
vitamin b6
It takes part in several enzymatic processes, also a key factor in the metabolism of fats, proteins and carbohydrates. Its spasmolytic effect is well-known.