vitamin a (retinol)
It is essential for the normal operation of the receptors of the optic nerve membranes. Lack of it may causes the damage of eye and eyesight.
blueberry & rosehip
Its active ingredients promote the capillary circulation, prevent chronic fragmentation of the capillaries. They are also rich in vitamin C which strengthen the connective tissues in blood vessel walls.
vitamin e
It is one of the strongest antioxidants. Antioxidants protect against oxidative stress and harmful free radicals. Several studies suppose that somehow oxidative stress and harmful free radicals are responsible for several damages of the eye and eyesight.
vitamin c
Eye contains a high concentration of collagen protein, for which synthesis vitamin C is an essential key element.
zeaxanthin & lutein
They are plant carotenoids existing in a high concentration in the retina and macula. Absence of them prevent cataracta and AMD (Age-related Macular Degeneration).
Several studies found correlations between AMD and zinc concentration in the retina.
vitamin b2 (Riboflavin)
It is a strong antioxidant. Lack of it suppose to be a factor of the development of cataracta.
It is a key element of several enzymatic processes and contributes to the normal operation of the optic nerve membranes.
folic acid
In combination with vitamin B6 and vitamin B12 decrease the level of homocysteine protein in the body which role in inflammation processes and in AMD is verified.
It is a strong antioxidant. Its role in prevent cataracta, AMD and eye dryness is confirmed.