Mom&Baby Pack


Optimal combo to provide the most important vitamins and minerals for Baby and Mom! The ingredients of the combination of our products contain all the vitamins and minerals that the Baby and Mother may need, in the form of our Multivitamin drops. The cold-pressed natural oils of our Omega oil capsule product contain Omega 3-6-9 fatty acids in an optimal proportion. Our iron capsules contain the body’s iron needs in a natural iron form. Our poppy seed oil capsules contain Calcium and Phosphorus in a natural form, along with several other valuable vitamins and minerals.

Bundle content:
  • Multivitamin Complex Drops 50 ml

    11 active ingredients, vitamins, minerals in an optimal combination!

    Liquid drops for more than 2 months!

    The organic-bounded multivitamin and trace element components of the natural plant extracts within this supplement have extremely good absorption and bioavailability, supporting many body functions in the normal range, including the immune system, and providing necessary vitamin and mineral needs not otherwise obtained through the Adult's diet.

    In stock

  • Iron Natural capsules 30 pcs

    Enhances red-blood cell formation and beneficial against anaemia.

    In stock

  • Omega Vegan Fitho Complex oilcapsules 60 pcs

    Herbal Omega Complex with No additives!
    Optimal ration and combination of Omega-3-6-9!

    In stock

  • Poppy Seed Oil oilcapsules 60 pcs

    Each capsule contains 400 mg pure cold pressed Poppy Seed Oil!
    Remedy of Osteoporosis in the traditional medicine!
    Extremely rich in organic Calcium! Its Phosporus content supports utilization of Calcium in bones, joints and muscles. Its alkaloids contribute to relieve stress, anxiety, peaceful sleep and lowers blood pressure.

    In stock

Bundle Content:

Additional information

Multivitamin Complex Drops 50 ml


50 مل


10 قطرات


مقوي للمناعة ، فيتامينات ، معادن

Iron Natural capsules 30 pcs


30 كبسولة


1 كبسولة


التنشيط العام ،الحيوية ، التركيز ،دعم تكوين خلايا الدم الحمراء ، العمل الطبيعي للمعدة والأمعاء ، دعم الجهاز المناعي ، تنظيم درجة حرارة الجسم

Omega Vegan Fitho Complex oilcapsules 60 pcs


60 caps

Daily Dose:

1 capsule


Optimizates blood fats Rich in Omegas from plant sources 100% cold pressed, natural, no additives

Poppy Seed Oil oilcapsules 60 pcs


60 caps

Daily Dose:

1 capsule


Prevents Osteoporosis Light antidepressant

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